The Importance of Oral Healthcare
Oral health is one of the most neglected parts of Australian healthcare. Although there have been huge public health awareness programmes that have related to issues like skin cancer and mental health problem, oral health tends to miss out. This is despite the fact that tooth decay is a particular issue in the country. According to certain studies, around half of all Australian children suffer from some form of tooth decay before they have even reached their teenage years.
Cracked a Crown? Here's What You Need to Do Right Away
When you bite down on a hard nut or sticky sweet and feel a dental crown break, don't panic. With the right dental treatment, you can get your crown repaired so you can go back to eating all your favourite foods without pain. Here are some steps to take right away to protect your teeth and overall oral health when you break a crown.
1. Remove the Crown
First of all, spit the crown into your hand or onto a surface.
Teeth Whitening: Three Simple Guidelines for Protecting Your Teeth
If you are interested in whitening your teeth for a better smile, you should plan for professional dental cleaning and brightening. In general, a dentist will perform deep cleaning of the tooth surfaces and eliminate all discoloured elements with efficiency. Also, you should note that in-office dental brightening is safer because the work will be done by an experienced person. However, if you do not want to have your teeth whitened in a dental office, you can perform the process at home.
Are Your Gums Giving You a Metallic Taste in Your Mouth?
If you have had a metallic taste in your mouth for a few days or even weeks, then you'll have tried to work out where the taste is coming from. If you've had this for a while, then it isn't likely to be caused by stuff you're eating or drinking. You may also have ruled out medications or illnesses as a cause of the taste.
If you're at a loss to work out what is going on with your taste buds, then it may be time to consider whether you have a dental problem.
Why Keep Your Temporary Dentures After Your Permanent Teeth Are Fitted?
When you had all your teeth out to get ready for dentures, your dentist may have fitted immediate dentures as a temporary measure. These dentures replaced your natural teeth until you were ready to have your proper set made.
Once you've had your permanent dentures fitted, you may wonder what to do with your immediate set. While you may think that you'll trash them because you won't need them any longer, it's worth hanging on to these teeth.
Why Choose Professional Teeth Whitening Over DIY Alternatives?
Never underestimate the power of a smile. A simple smile can drastically lift your spirits and draw positive vibes from those around you in everyday social interactions. But with your teeth on show each time you smile, having discoloured teeth is something that will surely put you down.
If you're here because you'd like to know why you should choose professional teeth whitening over take-home alternatives, you've come to the right place.
Avoid the Dentist But Fight On
Being part of a martial arts club, especially one which engages in semi or full contact sparring, is both an exhilarating and challenging experience. However, it can result in a number of risks that could lead to injury. Taking part in any martial art can put your teeth and mouth at risk of injury due to the impact of kicks, punches and knocks. Whilst a trip to an emergency dentist at a place like Runcorn Dental is always available, it's better to take preventative measures and protect yourself using dental approved means.
How Many Dental Veneers Will You Need for a Smile Makeover?
In terms of a smile makeover, dental veneers offer a straightforward solution. Wafer-thin pieces of porcelain are fabricated to the desired shape and size before being adhered to the underlying teeth. It's a simple yet extremely effective form of cosmetic dentistry. But to achieve the smile you want, how many veneers will actually be needed?
A Single Veneer
The question of the number of required veneers is simple when only a single unit is to be attached.
Can Flossing Be Difficult After a Dental Implant?
It could be argued that your oral hygiene takes on greater relevance after receiving dental implants. Whether a tooth was lost due to periodontal disease or an accident that knocked it out, the dental implant is a decisive way to seamlessly replace your lost tooth. Still, an entirely new tooth that has been implanted into your jaw with a metal bolt topped with a specially fabricated prosthesis represents a serious financial investment and can strengthen your resolve to keep your new complete smile in the best possible state.
Can Your Problematic Teeth Benefit From a Splint?
You probably think of a splint as something that a doctor might use when a part of your body needs to stay in a defined position in order to aid its healing, whether it's a finger, an arm or a leg. But what about your teeth? When a tooth has been lost due to periodontal disease, it's gone forever. Certainly, your dentist can replace the tooth with a specially fabricated dental implant, designed to look and behave just like the tooth it has replaced.