How Many Dental Veneers Will You Need for a Smile Makeover?

In terms of a smile makeover, dental veneers offer a straightforward solution. Wafer-thin pieces of porcelain are fabricated to the desired shape and size before being adhered to the underlying teeth. It's a simple yet extremely effective form of cosmetic dentistry. But to achieve the smile you want, how many veneers will actually be needed? A Single Veneer  The question of the number of required veneers is simple when only a single unit is to be attached. [Read More]

Can Flossing Be Difficult After a Dental Implant?

It could be argued that your oral hygiene takes on greater relevance after receiving dental implants. Whether a tooth was lost due to periodontal disease or an accident that knocked it out, the dental implant is a decisive way to seamlessly replace your lost tooth. Still, an entirely new tooth that has been implanted into your jaw with a metal bolt topped with a specially fabricated prosthesis represents a serious financial investment and can strengthen your resolve to keep your new complete smile in the best possible state. [Read More]

Can Your Problematic Teeth Benefit From a Splint?

You probably think of a splint as something that a doctor might use when a part of your body needs to stay in a defined position in order to aid its healing, whether it's a finger, an arm or a leg. But what about your teeth? When a tooth has been lost due to periodontal disease, it's gone forever. Certainly, your dentist can replace the tooth with a specially fabricated dental implant, designed to look and behave just like the tooth it has replaced. [Read More]

What Will Happen If You Don't Fix Your Overcrowded Teeth?

If you have overcrowded teeth, you may have come across a lot of information regarding the benefits of orthodontic treatment. This treatment involves the use of appliances such as metal braces and Invisalign to apply pressure to the teeth and move them slowly in a specific direction. It helps straighten the teeth and solve overcrowding and misalignment issues. Most people who know that they need this kind of treatment but have never sought it never think about the effects of living life with crowded or poorly aligned teeth. [Read More]