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Orthodontic Braces: Three Important Tips for Improving Personal Comfort

Dental braces are effective for treating malocclusion in both children and adults. These devices will eliminate the health issues related to crooked teeth. Moreover, they will improve overall facial structure and ensure a beautiful smile. However, if you are planning on going through this treatment, you must understand that you will experience some discomfort. This issue can be prominent during the initial days after installation. Here are some simple tips for promoting comfort after getting orthodontic braces.  

Manage the Soreness

Braces do not cause pain, but you might experience significant soreness. The severity will depend on your sensitivity to pain and even the level of malocclusion. If you do feel significant discomfort, consult your orthodontist on the use of over-the-counter analgesics. You might also notice some irritation around the inner lip areas and inner cheeks. This problem is caused by the contact between the braces material and the sensitive tissues. The discomfort will disappear as your tissues get used to the addition. If you are uncomfortable, acquire and use some orthodontic wax on the braces around the affected areas. Also, a salt rinse made with warm water could minimise soreness.

Maintain Good Hygiene

Poor hygiene could cause you a lot of discomfort after the placement of braces. These orthodontic devices can trap food particles, and their presence will make brushing a little more challenging. Therefore, discuss the best approach to good oral cleaning with the orthodontist. In general, you will need to brush your teeth regularly with a soft brush and fluoride toothpaste. Clean your teeth after meals and snacks to prevent uncomfortable build-ups. Also, plan on flossing daily. Acquire an orthodontic flosser to minimise the complexity of the task. Additionally, interproximal brushes will eliminate dirt in the areas concealed by the braces.

Monitor for Damage

You should monitor the condition of your teeth and braces so that you will detect problems immediately. Usually, dental braces are secure and will not dislodge. However, exceptions can occur. Therefore, take note of dislodged wires which might poke your oral cavity tissues. Also, check for loose brackets dislodged from your teeth. Avoid using home remedies to manage these problems. Contact your orthodontist for repair to avoid further deterioration. Additionally, if you feel unusual levels of discomfort, discuss the issue with your orthodontist.

Finally, you must avoid unsuitable foods after getting orthodontic braces to minimise your discomfort. Crunchy and sticky foods will attach to the device and might be difficult to clean. Moreover, excessive pressure on the braces could cause increased teeth sensitivity. 

To learn more about this orthodontic treatment, contact a local orthodontist.
