Wisdom Teeth: Removal, Maintenance and Cavity Prevention

Toothbrush Hygiene Tips to Give Your University-Bound Child

If you have children who are about to go off to university, it is important to know that their dental hygiene is as important as their studies. Since university life is characteristically communal, the collective use of washrooms and dormitories is likely to increase the spread of germs and bacteria if hygiene is anything to go by. Therefore, dental hygiene is crucial, but it should start with proper toothbrush care. However, this is only possible if your kids avoid making some common mistakes when handling toothbrushes. This article highlights some of these common mistakes.

Using Toothbrush Covers -- You might be tempted to tell your kids to cover their toothbrushes with covers to prevent bacteria from finding their way into the brush. However, you will be doing more harm than good if this is your idea of keeping bacteria away. Covering toothbrush bristles prevents them from drying properly, thereby creating an optimal environment for bacteria build up. You want your kids to keep their toothbrushes uncovered after each brushing session. Therefore, advise them to store their toothbrushes in an upright position, and do it in properly aerated container. Gravity and air will ensure that the toothbrush dries sufficiently in between brushing sessions.

Brushing in the Shower -- University life comes with its fair share of challenges, such as time management with so many classes to attend. Nonetheless, students come up with different techniques of addressing the challenge of time. For instance, to avoid arriving late in class, many university students take their toothbrush to the bathroom and do the brushing just before taking a shower. Thereafter, they proceed and place their toothbrushes on shower handles or cistern top covers. While doing this might help a student to save a few minutes, the aforementioned surfaces harbour disease-causing bacteria. Therefore, your children should avoid placing their toothbrushes on these surfaces to prevent oral infections.                      

Passive Cleaning of Toothbrushes -- It is common knowledge that we should all wash our toothbrushes after using them. However, the manner in which most people perform this can be termed as passive as most simply let water run on the bristles. This is the most common way people clean their toothbrushes, but one that must be avoided. Instead, people should use their fingers to clean their toothbrush thoroughly. As a rule of thumb, make sure there is no debris or toothpaste on the toothbrush after cleaning it to avoid trapping dust and germs.

Talk with a dentist if you have any concerns over your oral health routine.
