Orthodontic Braces: Three Important Tips for Improving Personal Comfort
Dental braces are effective for treating malocclusion in both children and adults. These devices will eliminate the health issues related to crooked teeth. Moreover, they will improve overall facial structure and ensure a beautiful smile. However, if you are planning on going through this treatment, you must understand that you will experience some discomfort. This issue can be prominent during the initial days after installation. Here are some simple tips for promoting comfort after getting orthodontic braces.
Reasons Why You Should Never Underestimate the Importance of a Night Guard
Teeth-grinding is an oral condition that affects people of all ages, from children to adults! Clinically referred to as bruxism, it refers to the clenching of the jaw and grinding of teeth, both of which pose a massive threat to your oral health for a couple of reasons. To begin with, teeth-grinding typically happens at night, so unless you share a bed with someone, the condition will likely remain undiagnosed for a prolonged period.
5 Costly Teeth Whitening Mistakes to Avoid
Are you new to teeth whitening? Then you need to be sure that you understand how teeth whitening works before you begin. Just one costly mistake could damage your teeth and gums and leave you needing much more than just teeth whitening.
If you plan to whiten your teeth, then be sure to avoid making the following costly mistakes.
1. Using whitening toothpaste every day
Whitening toothpaste is useful for removing surface stains on teeth, like tobacco stains or coffee stains.
Thinking About Getting Invisalign? 3 Tips for a Positive Experience
Poorly aligned teeth do more damage than just chipping away your esteem. They also get damaged faster than healthy ones, which can lead to jaw strain, chronic migraines, and jaw pain. If you have badly aligned teeth and do not want to get brackets, the next best choice is Invisalign. These are clear aligners in the shape of your own tooth. An orthodontist installs them, and they help you gradually push your teeth back into alignment.
Common Questions About Dental Implants
Dental implants are an extraordinarily helpful prosthetic that many Australians take advantage of every year. Not only do they allow you to eat in the same way you did before, with natural teeth, but they also give you the confidence to smile and live your life as normally as possible. However, before you get your dental implants put in place there are often a few questions running through your mind that you want to be answered.
3 Things That Might Change the Way You Handle Your Dental Hygiene
After losing your milk teeth, they get replaced by permanent teeth, which may last for a lifetime. The central incisors are the first set of teeth that you lose at around six years. Then, they are followed by canines, molars and the lateral incisors, which may drop off between ten and twelve years.
Sadly, some individuals do not realise that the strength of their permanent teeth highly depends on their diet and oral hygiene practices.
What to Do If Your Broken Tooth Keeps Cutting Your Tongue
A broken tooth is a common injury that dentists deal with often. And in most cases, you can wait a while before you fix a chipped or broken tooth. But sometimes, a broken tooth is so jagged and sharp that it can cut your tongue whenever you eat or speak. If this happens once, it's annoying and painful — if it keeps happening, it's a dental emergency.
As such, if your broken tooth is causing you great discomfort, then take the following steps.
Important Things to Note About Denture Repair
If you are new to dentures or have used dentures for quite some time without any repair requirements, you need to know the factors that necessitate denture repair. With these factors in mind, you can avoid injury to your mouth — especially your gums and tongue. Since you use your mouth every day to talk, eat and drink, a painful mouth injury would make you restless.
Types of Denture Repairs
Common Repairs Your Denture May Need
Just like natural teeth, if you have dentures, they are eventually going to need to be repaired by your dentist. A denture may break over time, or it may suddenly break. Either way, it's important to your dental as well as emotional health that your repairs are done quickly. Here is a look at the common things that can occasionally go wrong with your dentures and require denture repair.
Hairline Cracks
Reliable Tips for Preventing Unnecessary Denture Repairs
If your natural teeth have suffered an extreme tooth decay and you are finding it difficult to smile, you can choose to get dentures. Dentures help by filling your smile with outstanding false teeth that resemble your original natural ones. Other than making your smile attractive, dentures promote your oral health, and all this builds confidence.
Usually, dentures are built to last, but they still need regular proper care. What's more, you have spent a lot on them, and the last thing you want is to start paying for denture repairs because you were too careless and damaged the dentures.