
A Comparison Between Dental Bleaching and Porcelain Veneers

Individuals who would like whiter teeth have several options, such as having their teeth bleached or getting composite resin or porcelain veneers. Some patients may not know which option is better for them due to having insufficient information about those alternatives. This article compares having your teeth bleached to having porcelain veneers applied. Use this information to select the most appropriate option for your needs. Impact on Tooth Colour Bleached teeth remain natural, except that they have been made whiter than they were before the cosmetic dentistry procedure.

Brace For It: The Pros & Cons of Hidden Braces for Teens

Teenagers are grumpy creatures at the best of times, but when it comes to braces, the idea of having metal in the mouth creates a whole new level of anxiety. Now your child knows their teeth need professional dental intervention to get them straight, what options do you have to do this when traditional braces have your child not wanting to smile for the next two years? Hidden braces fitted behind the teeth are one answer, and these are the pros and cons your child needs to know.

Why Adherence to Teeth Whitening Product Guidelines Is Important

Some people may wish to get quicker tooth whitening results by exceeding the dosage of dental whitening products. Such people may not know the risks of not following the usage guidelines that are provided by the manufacturer of the product. This article discusses some of the dangers that may occur when you don't follow the instructions provided on how to whiten your teeth using a certain product. Increased Dental Permeability

Toothbrush Hygiene Tips to Give Your University-Bound Child

If you have children who are about to go off to university, it is important to know that their dental hygiene is as important as their studies. Since university life is characteristically communal, the collective use of washrooms and dormitories is likely to increase the spread of germs and bacteria if hygiene is anything to go by. Therefore, dental hygiene is crucial, but it should start with proper toothbrush care. However, this is only possible if your kids avoid making some common mistakes when handling toothbrushes.

Helping your child deal with tooth extraction

Children can need to get their teeth extracted for a number of reasons, including accidental damage, decay, overcrowding or a failure of the baby teeth to fall out when the adult teeth erupt. The extraction process can be very stressful for some children. Here are some ways to help your child deal with tooth extraction.  Have the dental staff explain procedure Removing a part of the child's body can seem very stressful for a child.

Why Some People Visit the Dentist More Often Than Others

Do you feel as if you're always planning a visit to the dentist even though you already look after your teeth properly and wonder why your happy-go-lucky friend isn't affected like this? The truth is that no two people are alike and there are many different factors that may determine dental health through a lifetime. What are some of the factors that contribute to this variation? Managing the Bacteria Essentially, it can be boiled down to one thing — oral bacteria.

Why a Signal Tooth Implant Is Better Than a Bridge

You may have had a tooth removed due to decay but want to have a complete set of teeth once again. This may allow you to have a fuller smile, but perhaps more importantly it should help you chew more effectively. You may have been told that you need a bridge, but did you know that you can get a single tooth implant instead? What are the benefits? The Stand-Alone Option

3 Natural Toothpaste Options for a Brighter and Whiter Smile

Toothpaste is something on every monthly shopping list. What if you could make a switch to natural alternatives? What if those natural alternatives could help with your tooth whitening needs? Well, here are three natural toothpaste options that will give you a brighter and whiter smile within weeks of use. Put Sea Salt on Your Teeth Salt is often seen as being bad for you, but that isn't the case when it comes to sea salt and toothpaste alternatives.

Internal Bleaching of Dead Teeth: What You Need to Know

Modern cosmetic dentistry provides a range of tooth whitening services, but whitening dead teeth can still pose a problem. However, a treatment called internal bleaching may provide a solution. Below is a guide to everything you need to know about the internal bleaching of dead teeth. Dead Teeth When you undergo a procedure such as a root canal, your dentist will remove the soft inner pulp of the tooth. This causes the blood supply to the tooth to cease, and the tooth will die.

Dentures and Mouth Ulcers: A Combination That Is Easy to Avoid

Mouth ulcers occur when the delicate tissue inside your mouth (your mucus membrane) becomes damaged. In many instances, this damage occurs due to ongoing friction against a certain point inside your mouth. This is why people who bite the inside of their cheeks on a regular basis can be susceptible to mouth ulcers. It also means that people who wear dentures might be affected by mouth ulcers, since the denture is essentially a foreign object placed inside your mouth, where friction can sometimes arise as a result of normal usage.